Contact Numbers: 012 772 3036 / 079 752 5780


We work hard to keep our fees low and make them affordable. In order to do that, payment must be made at the time of service, either by cash or credit card. We base the cost of abortion on the length of pregnancy. Unsure how pregnant you are? Call Dr.Emily for an estimate. Schedule a sonogram if you want to know exactly how far along your pregnancy is.

Financial Assistance
If you are unable to pay for your procedure you may qualify for emergency funding. Please call and ask to speak to one of our phone advocates about funding options. You should be prepared to pay for as much of the procedure as you can on your own. Though we try our best to meet the needs of every woman, please keep in mind that emergency funding cannot be guaranteed as there are very limited funds available. Note: We do not take Medicaid & any insurance.

Price List



  1. Top 1: Below 6 Weeks : R1200.00
  2. Top 2: 7 To 12 Weeks: R2200.00
  3. Top 3: Medical : R2600.00
  4. Top 4: 13 To 17 Weeks : R3000.00
  5. Top 5: 18 To 24 Weeks : R4800.00
  6. Anti D: R 650.00
  7. Dromicum IV: R800.00


  1. Consultation : R250.00
  2. Sonar : R350.00
  3. Papsmeer : R450.00
  4. Vasectomie : R2700.00
  5. Anti Natal 1st Visit : R850.00
  6. Follow Up : R150.00
  7. Warts Burn : R600.00


  1. Hiv Rapid : R200.00
  2. Hiv Pcr (Pers Top) : R1000.00
  3. Pregnancy Test : R50.00
  4. Semen Analysis : R200.00
  5. Gardisil X3 : R1000.00
  6. Cervarix X3 : R700.00

Family Planning

  1. Trigesteral/Orlacon : R20.00
  2. Nur/ Depo : R50.00
  3. Prescriptions : R50.00
  4. Mirena : R2650.00
  5. Eie Mirena Insert : R800.00
  6. Iucd : R400.00
  7. Iucd Remove : R200.00
  8. Emergency Contraception : R50.00